Your Home’s Plumbing System

Your Home's Plumbing System

Plumbing is one of your home’s most important systems. Just like your electrical system, the plumbing helps activate many of the features that you rely on every day. Showers, bathtubs, toilets, sinks, and and your washing machine all rely on having a steady supply of water. The proper function of all these features also depends on having a number of clean, well-maintained drains. As you’ll see, arranging for regular Drain Cleaning in Los Angeles CA is one of best things you can do to take care of your home.

How Your Plumbing Works

Each residential plumbing system is connected to the municipal water line that supplies the structure with potable water – water that has been treated and is ready to be used for drinking. Once the potable water supply enters the home, it rises through the pipes to the fixtures and water-reliance appliances. The water pressure is ultimately managed by the municipal water company though can be affected by the age and size of the pipes in your home.

When the water drains away after use the whole process is reversed. Many little pipes of outgoing water connect to a larger outflow pipe which in turn empties into huge pipes located beneath the street. Water flowing out of houses and other buildings makes its way to the local water treatment plant where impurities are removed.

The Role of Drains

It’s clear to see that drains are a central part of your home’s plumbing system. Drains that don’t work correctly will not release used water into your neighborhood outflow pipe. Instead, the smaller outflow pipes directly beneath your house will block the clear passage of water and cause waste water to drain slowly. If too much foreign matter is lodged within these outflow pipes your water may stop draining altogether. Drains keep the household water cycle moving. If they clog, then you’ll need to call a service that does Drain Cleaning in Los Angeles CA.

Signs of Trouble

The drains inside your home should continue to function normally so long as nothing impedes the outbound flow of water. If the outgoing water shows any of the following signs, it might be time for Drain Cleaning in Los Angeles CA.

  • Slow draining at a steady pace
  • Hesitant draining (intermittent motion that stops and starts)
  • No draining at all (standing water)
  • Unusual smells
  • The sudden presence of insects
  • Dirty water bubbling back up into the fixture. This is especially common in basement bathtubs and showers.
  • Water flowing backwards into your home

All of these are indications that there is something blocking the outward flow of water; while slowly draining water is a concern that might be put off for a few days, any of the other signs of trouble should be taken very seriously. There may be a damaged pipe somewhere beneath your house or in the lines nearby. Regular Drain Cleaning in Los Angeles CA can help stop these serious problems before they begin.

Have you ever had serious problems with your drains?